Greeting from President

Our Company has been providing our many customers with important safety related parts, mainly automobile parts, motor cycle parts, general purpose parts, since our establishment in 1995, and we have obtained the trust from such customers.
Especially, we have made VA・VE proposals utilizing cold forming and aiming at lightweight and unification of parts to our customers who have adopted many of our proposals. We consider our existence has value as a contribution to global environmental preservation and we try to make endeavors to become a more valuable company for our customers.
Also, we have applied the corporate culture of our Head Office, Mitsuboshi Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the inspiring Mitsuboshi spirit, and therefore all our employees have the inspiring Mitsuboshi spirit and apply every effort to achieve the customers’ first principles.
From now on, in order to take part in “Social contribution”, we apply sincere and sound corporate activities. In order to continue to contribute to society as a corporation and continue to develop our activities, we shall implement “Manufacturing” with Mitsuboshi's spirit, and through our handling of the global environment, we aim to become a company which may contribute to the creation of an affluent society.
PRESIDENT Masahiro Tojo